Cancellation Policies
The health and happiness of our patients and their families are our number one priority here at Animal Health Clinic. When we make an appointment, it is reserving the veterinary staff’s time. With veterinary services being in high demand and when a client does not come to their scheduled appointment without providing proper notice, it is taking away the opportunity for another patient’s health care needs to be met.
No call, No Show
A client will be considered a “no call no show” when:
client fails to appear to scheduled appointment
client provides less than one business day notice of changes to an appointment (we need sufficient notice to fill your appointment)
client appears for appointment after 7 minutes after scheduled start time
Prepayment Policy for No Call No Shows
If any client has 2 no call no shows in a 12 month period, a $50 nonrefundable deposit is due at the time the next appointment is scheduled. This $50 will be applied to that appointment upon checkout. If the client no call no shows, the deposit is not refundable. If you need to reschedule your appointment, we are requiring at least a 1 business day notice. If you put a deposit down and gave at least 1 business days’ notice to reschedule, that deposit will be applied to the rescheduled appointment or refunded if preferred. If Animal Health Clinic has to cancel or reschedule your appointment for any reason, we can either refund any deposit paid or reschedule and apply the deposit at that time. You will not be penalized for our changes to the schedule. If a client has zero no call no shows in 24 consecutive months, the deposit requirement may be lifted.
If there are 4 no call no shows in a 12 month period, our business relationship will be terminated and we will no longer schedule future appointments indefinitely.
This is effective immediately for all appointments going forward.
Prepayment for Surgeries & Anesthetic Procedures
Effective immediately, we are requiring a $100 deposit at the time of scheduling any surgery/anesthetic procedure. This $100 will be applied to that procedure upon checkout. If a client no call no shows, the deposit is not refundable. If you need to reschedule your procedure, we are requiring at least 2 business days’ notice. If you put a deposit down and gave at least 2 business days’ notice, that deposit will be applied to the rescheduled procedure. If we have to cancel or reschedule your procedure for any reason, we can either refund any deposit paid or reschedule and apply the deposit at that time. You will not be penalized for changes we make to the schedule. If the doctor makes the recommendation to postpone the procedure you will not be penalized, the deposit will be applied to the rescheduled time.
Respect & Kindness
In recent years, pet ownership in the U.S. has increased dramatically. This has created a striking increase in pets that need to be seen by veterinary clinics. We make every effort to get pets seen as soon as possible, especially for sick patients. Unfortunately, there may be times when your pet is not able to be seen as soon as we would like.
We understand you are worried about your pet, but due to recent client behavior, we feel the need to address the toll it is taking on our team and provide notice to everyone that unrealistic expectations and demands will not be tolerated.
We are committed to dealing with all clients fairly and impartially and to providing a high standard of service. However, we do expect our staff to be treated respectfully and unacceptable behavior such as yelling, swearing, demanding, or rude behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. In situations where a client is clearly demonstrating unacceptable behavior to a staff member, we will support our employees and their decisions when it comes to protecting themselves from emotional and/or physical abuse.
Abusive, threatening language will result in immediate termination of service.
Animal Health Clinic has a duty to ensure the safety, emotional well-being and welfare of our staff. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.
We’d like to genuinely thank our many loyal and compassionate clients. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Credit Card Processing Fee
In an effort to keep our prices down, we will be applying a 3% credit card processing fee to all invoices that are paid with a credit card starting on January, 1st, 2025. For your convenience, you may avoid this fee by paying with cash, check, debit, Care Credit, or All Pets Card.